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CD Baby: The Complete Review
Are you an independent band or artist? If so, you probably already know how difficult and expensive it can be to get exposure for your music. There are many...
Why It’s Not A Good Idea To Pay For Streams & Playlist Adds
At Мusic Gateway, we care about your music and your future. We know that paying for streams and playlist additions causes more harm than good. We want to...
Who Are Mixcloud?
Looking for that online music streaming service where you can listen to radio shows, podcasts, and more? We have it for you here today. So come and join in...
What Is Vevo
Vevo is an online music video platform that has become a major force in the music industry. Launched in 2009, Vevo provides a platform for music artists to...
Songtradr: Is It Worth It?
It can be extremely difficult these days for artists to get their music noticed. With such a competitive market and so many different platforms available,...
Music Tracking On The Radio
What Is Music Tracking? Music tracking on the radio is a useful tool for many different purposes. Getting insight into your radio airplay is simply a way of...
What Does Pre Save Mean In Terms Of Your Release
What Does Pre Save Mean? Well, ‘Pre-save’ is a relatively new term. If you are an artist looking to boost the success of your upcoming music releases, then...
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