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The 8 Best Keyboard Workstations
Keyboard workstations have been ultimate game changers for the music industry. Their features allow you to both record and play music at the same time....
How To Sample A Beat Or Song The Right Way
What are music samples and are you wondering how to clear a sample for a song, or how do you go about sampling a song legally? If you need to clear music...
Music Logo Ideas – Logos That Stand Out From The Crowd
Everybody wants to stand out as a band or as a solo artist in this industry and how do you do that? What is the one image that people will see first and...
The A-Z Of Music Industry Terms
Wouldn’t it be just so handy to have a collective of musical terms a-z to refer back to when you don’t know what something means or you need to quickly find...
Mixing And Mastering In Music And What Is The Difference?
Have you ever wondered what skills you need to be an audio mixer or how do you create a master version of a song? What is the difference between the two and...
How To Make A Music Video Without Breaking The Bank
Making a music video on a budget may seem unattainable, but we assure you it is and we will show you how. DIY music videos are completely different to the...
Audio Mixing : Everything You Need To Know To Mix Like A Pro
Do you want to start mixing music by yourself and so you need to know the sound mixing basics? You have come to the right place, as we will give you the...
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