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The Best Artists Pedalboard Gear & Where To Buy Them
As a musician, you want to have the gear to allow you perform at your best every time. So why not invest in the best pedalboard gear? We have it all here...
Rockwood Music Hall Review
If you’re a New Yorker, you’ve probably seen the Rockwood Music Hall on lower Broadway, but until now you might not have known it’s so...
College Street Music Hall: A Complete Review
Connecticut’s ‘phenomenal’ concert venue has exceptional acoustics and an unrivalled atmosphere and is fast becoming a favorite for bands and fans...
The Rockzilla Tour & Where To Get Tickets
Rockzilla is an American rock band formed in Los Angeles, California in 2002. The band has released four studio albums and two EPs and has toured...
What Are The Best Tips For Performing Live?
We all crave to be a live performer as a musician but what is the best way to nail that live show and really get the crowd behind you? As an artist, you...
The Best Music Venues In London
Hello avid music fans! Isn’t the best thing to go and see live music and haven’t you always wondered where to go in this crazy city? I wanted to include...
The Reeperbahn Convention 2022 – Our Reeperbahn Guide
What Is The Reeperbahn Convention? The largest musical conference in Reeperbahn, Hamburg, Germany caters for all music and digital creative...
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