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Audio Cables – How To Use Them
Audio Cables – How To Use Them & Where Best To Buy Them Audio cables have the power to record the crisp and loud sound that you are after,...
How To Find A Music Producer For Your Song
So, you have written a song and it is amazing (of course)… now what? Chances are that you are looking for a music producer to work with, who can turn...
How To Finance Movies: Film Financing For Filmmakers
If you clicked on this article, I bet you’ve asked yourself: ‘Where does film financing and funding come from?’ or ‘How are movies...
Audio Engineer: How Do You Become A Sound Engineer?
Do you have an ear for music but would rather have a more technical way of showing off your musical ability? Then maybe a career as an audio/sound engineer...
How Do You Use A Distortion Pedal?
Whether you’re a seasoned musician with many years under your belt or are just starting, you have likely heard the term “distortion pedal”. You may be...
How To Sing Better & What Are The Techniques?
Everyone sounds good when singing in the shower! It is beyond those walls that things change, maybe because of the acoustics or maybe because singing...
How To Become A Director For Films
Becoming a film director seems like a daunting task. If you have the drive to be a movie director, it’s within your scope. You don’t need to move to a major...
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