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Music Industry

Music Discovery Score

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Music Gateway Support


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At Music Gateway we are always looking at ways to expand on how we can help our musicians and creatives. We are constantly thinking about ways we can provide useful, informative services. We also want to provide maximum support and knowledge to our users, while being easy to use. Queue the new Music Discovery Score.

Keeping our platform sleek and user friendly is an important part of that. Our Sync Catalogue has a fresh, new look and with it comes the launch of our Music Discovery Score. This is an industry-first for music rights owners being represented by Music Gateway.

The cutting-edge technology is designed to provide clarity when it comes to making sure metadata is at its absolute best for those looking to navigate the world of sync licensing

What is the Music Discovery Score?

The Music Discovery Score takes all the data that is traditionally used by the production world to surface – or make visible – music with specific elements that would suit a licensing spot.

It then puts together a percentage score based on the data and the likelihood of success when it comes to your song being discovered. Discoverability data is all the data that is used by the world sync licensing when trying to find a song that suits their needs. 

Why is this score so important?

For great music to be heard, our clients need to surface it in order to make sure people hit play! There’s a number of ways that we make this happen for music being represented in our sync catalogue. But in particular, working on your discoverability can make a real impact to getting noticed.

The discoverability score is one way music rights owners can bring the control of their success into their own hands. They can do this by increasing the Music Discovery Score for each of their tracks.

How can I check my discoverability score?

Once your music is in the Sync Catalogue, our system will process your data. We will then provide you with a Music Discovery Score for each track and the catalogue as a whole.

Every time you update your song with new data our system will process the new data to update your score. This means you’ll always have transparency on where your music is at.

How can I improve my discoverability score?

This really is simple! The more time you spend improving the amount of good quality data in your song, the better your score. Making sure you have plenty of data in each discoverability field is key whilst also making sure that you don’t include any data that is not relevant to your song. 

Chat to a professional

The Music Discovery Score is designed to provide you with guidance on how to make sure your music is being represented at its best, but we appreciate that sometimes you can’t beat having a chat with a human being.

So use our Sync Sessions to go through your Music Discovery Score with a member of the team and discuss ways you can improve on bring your work forward to be discovered.

Stay tuned…


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