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How To

Promotional Strategies for Attracting Big Radio Stations

Photograph of the blog post author, Jon



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Welcome back to the second series of blogs that will outline the advantages of radio promotion, promotional strategies, music marketing, scheduling, contacting radio stations, elaborating on critical guidelines and discussing different methods of reaching specific target audiences. 

When it comes to advertising on radio stations, there is a number of strategies to consider in order to successfully get a track air-played on the radio. This is critical as there are probably so many artists who make great music but do not know how to promote their work properly.

Therefore, a number of different solutions will be outlined to enlighten young artists on how to advertise their work appropriately in order to stand out and be seen by popular radio stations.

Uploading music on popular digital platforms

When discussing the different ways artists can get their songs played on radio stations, it’s essential to analyse the approaches one can take to make their music stand out and be attractive. Releasing music on large-scale digital platforms such as iTunes and Spotify as it is an effective way for an artist to portray a professional and competent image.

As a result, it will greatly increase the chances of gaining recognition from big radio companies. It’s also critical to remember that before uploading music on these platforms, nowadays it is far more convenient to release singles as opposed to albums and EPs, particularly when the artist is still unknown.

Sending CDs to Radio Stations

Big Radio Stations

Sending CDs is a very common way of contacting bigger radio stations. It is favourable for the artist to get their CDs through to large national shows, as some stations such as 6Music love them.

However, when promoting CDs, to really impress big radio companies it is essential that it is presented in the best way possible. This may include printing embedded on the disk or high-resolution artwork as opposed to sending just a disk with a CD-R cover (without printing) inside a paper sleeve.

For creating a large stock for promotion, it is highly recommended to contact the Quickburn team. All CD manufacturers will require high-resolution artwork, WAV/AIF file format of the track, CD/Label copy and the ISRC. It is essential that all the information on the CD is correct. To search for an ISRC Code easily, use the Music Gateway ISRC Finder Tool.

Construct a Website

Constructing a website (e.g. is a very good way to attract the attention of radio stations and perhaps anyone’s attention online. This is because it automatically connects people to artists’ music, videos, photography, merchandise and latest updates.

It is a professional way to promote one’s work in a competent manner. Therefore, if you have a very attractive website, radio stations will see that the artist means business, or in other words is truly genuine and has prosperities in achieving a successful career. As a result, radio stations will be far more inclined to play songs from hard-working professional artists.

Closing Thoughts on Promotional Strategies for Attracting Big Radio Stations

In conclusion, approaching big radio stations to get played requires a well-crafted strategy and persistence. It’s important to research the station, build relationships with the right people, and have a strong pitch that showcases your unique value.

Remember to follow up and be patient, as getting played on a big radio station can take time. With the right approach and mindset, you can increase your chances of getting your music heard by a wider audience.


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