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How To

How To Promote Your Music on YouTube

Photograph of the blog post author, Annika Hope

Annika Hope


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YouTube is one of the largest social media platforms in the world right now, and the views you can get from just one song or music video as an artist if you are promoted correctly can be massive. 

We will teach you how to advertise music on YouTube, and how to promote your YouTube channel so you reach as many people as possible.

There are currently 2.1 billion users on YouTube per day – per day! So this means there is a captive audience just waiting to hear your music. Read on for all the tips and tricks for more views. 

Tips On How To Promote Your YouTube Videos

So, you have some content you have recorded and now you want to share it with your fans. How do you do that? How do you actually advertise on YouTube in a way that will reach plenty of people and also make some money in terms of royalties too? If you are wondering how to promote music on YouTube, here are our tips to create the best promotion your music deserves on YouTube. 

Create Your Own YouTube Channel

Of course, this is obvious, but if you do not have your own professional YouTube channel, well then now is the time to create one. This is how you are going to create a public presence online for your fans. 

If you want to create a personal channel, then just follow these steps below. It’s super quick and easy.

  1. Sign in to YouTube on a computer or mobile site.
  2. Click on your profile picture. 
  3. You’ll be asked to create a channel.
  4. Check the details and confirm to create your channel.

And there you have it, you have created your own channel and now you can start promoting YouTube songs and music videos. 

There is a page called YouTube for Artists, which will give you all the information you need to be an artist on YouTube. They will guide you through the process of a new release, how to create shorts in a way to connect with fans and so on. 

Create Engaging Content

What is the vibe of the content you are uploading onto YouTube and what do you want your fans to see? First of all, you definitely need to be uploading content constantly so there is consistency. You will be able to see what people like depending on the analytics – we will return to this in more detail later – and you will create more content based on this. 

Are you going to be doing live streams, Q&As with other musicians, and releasing teasers for your next music video? You need to keep the content as fresh as possible and there needs to be a lot of it. Make sure you reach out to your fans on a weekly basis – it can depend on what you have to release and how large your following is. Yes, people want to see what music you are bringing out but you need to be more proactive than that nowadays. 

YouTubers desire more visual content and will watch the next video after another and so on. Furthermore, as we are on our phones more than ever before, YouTube videos and songs are the best way to promote your music in 2022. I know that I like to keep up-to-date by watching videos and listening to music on YouTube. It’s one of my favorite pastimes, and I am not alone.  

Schedule Your Posts Online

In terms of marketing, scheduling posts is the best way to get people to actively follow you. If you ensure that every week, or at least once a month, you post on the same day so you keep it consistent and then fans will know that your channel is active and they will then hopefully subscribe. If you are not posting as much as you do not have as much content to share, maybe just you are about to post, and announce your new single or music video is about to be released so you keep your audience interested until the day you release your new video. 

You could also do this across different social media platforms too. For example, share that you will be promoting a new music video or song on YouTube on your Instagram page a week or a few days before. 

Tap Into Those Analytics 

It sounds so obvious, but who watches your videos – the demographics of the audience in terms of age, location etc., what content is viewed the most and for how long is going to help you understand what you need to essentially create more of. Consistency once again will become your friend in this process and that connection with your fanbase is vital. 

YouTube has its own in-built analytics section which musicians should definitely take advantage of. 

Create An Aesthetically Pleasing Channel 

What does your channel say about you and you as a brand? Is it inviting? Would it make your audience come back and watch more of your videos? 

Have you got a great logo and profile page? 

Is there an interesting YouTube banner image? 

Have you got links to your social media pages or website? 

Tell the audience about yourself, a little bio which feels like they really know you. It doesn’t have to be long, but just enough content about your vision in terms of your music. 

Do your videos have high-quality thumbnails? 

Have you created playlists on your channel and are all of these organized in a succinct way? 

Use Your YouTube SEO 

Your SEO – Search Engine Optimization – will help you attract more viewers for your videos. 

In short, the keywords that you use on your site, need to be the words that people use to search for content online. They should have a volume that is not too high otherwise your music may get lost. 

Therefore, use keywords and phrases in your description of your video and in the title itself. The tags you use also will help people find your music. What is your music about and include that in your tags? 

In terms of promoting your music on YouTube, the time of day you post content will also make a difference in how many people view your videos. There was some research done this year and it was found that the best time to post was between 12-3 p.m, 6-9 p.m., 3- 6 p.m., and. on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.

Find Your Audience And Nurture Them 

If you are starting out, you will probably not have a large fanbase just yet, so you need to upload videos constantly and work a little harder in the first few months to attract more YouTube subscribers. 

You can approach people directly on other channels with a link to your music and ask them to check it out. The better online presence you have, the higher the chance people will then follow you and listen to your music. Keep going with it. It is all about resilience, but if you love making music, you will find it easier to promote it. 

Remember you can promote YouTube videos for free on your channel by regularly posting online and adding videos to your website etc.    

Collaborate With Other YouTube Musicians

When it comes to music video promotion YouTube is a vital way of getting your music in front of your fans, other artists and the world! Networking and cross-promoting can work very well if done right if you want to promote your music further on YouTube. Musicians want to help each other not get pitted against one another, so if you wanted to create a music video playing with another artist and post it online, then I would suggest doing this. Certainly, if they are more well known than you, they can introduce you to a larger, newer audience and then vice versa, your audience will get to know them too.  

What type of music do people want to listen to right now, what is the latest trend in terms of music. Trends are there to be in the spotlight for a short amount of time, so tap into them and it could have an overnight effect on your channel if you use them to your advantage. Remember content has to match your vision and music as an artist and it could boost your viewings on your channel. 

Soundcloud and YouTube Promotion? 

First of all, let’s discuss the similarities;

They both allow you to collaborate with another artist on your channel to get even more exposure for your music and people can like your songs and share them on other social media platforms. 

The differences; 

Soundcloud is a platform which is solely dedicated to music and there is a collective of like-minded people to connect with, compared to YouTube which has a more varied audience shall we say.  

Even though you can upload music videos onto Soundcloud, YouTube is a more visual platform for musicians. Some musicians use both. 

There is more scope for a larger audience on YouTube and more exposure, certainly when you have grown your fanbase. 


The important thing to remember is that once you have created content on YouTube, you have a fanbase of at least 1,000 subscribers and generated over 4,000 watch hours over the past month, you can start to collect royalties. And why wouldn’t you want to make money off your music when you promote music YouTube?  

Closing Thoughts

So there you have it. If you are looking at types of free music promotion YouTube is a great place to start. We have covered the basics of how to advertise and promote your music on YouTube and I hope you now have the skills to create your own channel or certainly grow it if you have already done this. 

Are You A Musician Or Artist?

Develop your brand with artist development and get your music heard in TV and film with sync licensing and collaborate globally with other musicians, songwriters, and producers. Finally, amplify your music to those that need to hear it with music marketing, promotion and Spotify. Try all of this out for yourself by joining Мusic Gateway.

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