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Artist Management

How To Manage An Artist

Photograph of the blog post author, Jon



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When working with a new artist as a Manager, there are several things do’s and don’ts. This could be from making spontaneous decisions on behalf of your artist to making sure to keep the artist in the loop with all decisions necessary.

After chatting with some artists and artist management, I was able to gather the main points of the DOs and DO NOTS for music managers when working with a new artist.

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how to manage an artist

Please Do…

Stay Committed to your artist 100%

It is really important to stay committed to the artist you are working with as their manager. Not only is this to build a strong relationship with the foundation of trust, but it also enables you to stay focused on the artist’s goals and achievements with the artist together as a team.

Communication is the key to succeed

Being able to communicate with your artist is so vital between the employer and employee. In the case of an ‘Artist manager’, the artist is the one who employs the manager (management). Even though the manager is managing the work in regard to the artists, projects, planning, and scheduling.

The artist is always in control of the art and creativity! It is important to make sure a manager communicates well with the artist to be able to keep the artist involved at all times necessary.

Creating and sustaining relevant contacts

After speaking to an artist by the name of @ReloadArtist he was able to elaborate on several things he would expect to see from a manager when looking for one most suitable for him.

As an unsigned artist, it was important for him to have a manager who had relevant contacts for him in the industry to create good relationships.

“It’s really important to have the relevant contacts and connections in the music industry, even if they don’t have them right away they have to work hard to gain them”.

Please Don’t…..

Don’t try to mould them

There’s a big difference between artist development and trying to change the actual artist! Trying to change your client is one of the worst things you can do to an artist or the best if you’re trying to get sacked!

You agreed to work with someone who you already feel is talented and have a passion for, and take them as their own creative individual unless you truly believe a change of fashion style or expansion in the music genre is vital for their success.

Guitarist plays live

No serious decisions without informing your client

Making decisions without the artist’s feedback or consent is a very bad example of communication and management.

However excited you may feel about the offer or deal being delivered to you at the time, it is ultra-important that you consult with your artist before making any serious decisions.

No lies, white lies or any type!

It is really important not to lie to your artist at any time! Honesty is always the best policy and is very important for developing a good working relationship.

Even if you have to deliver bad news your artist should respect that there are ups and downs in the music industry all the time, so it’s always better to embrace them!

Ready to go?

As a new music manager just starting out in the music industry, it’s best to get advice from previous managers and also other music artists to get relevant tips and insight into the business.

Having excellent communication, honesty and passion are the key ingredients needed to be a great manager and to develop an effective relationship with your new artist.


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